
The workshop was a 24-hour sprint to explore patient and provider-driven solutions and innovations for Cancer Care Ontario. Wipro Digital assembled a panel of researchers, user experience and design experts, along with technologists and healthcare subject matter experts to provide their perspectives from their areas of expertise - to arrive at a collective point of view, ideas, concepts and solutions for patient-centered models of care delivery. 



The First Two Weeks is a stand-alone mobile or micro-site solution that would provide context, perspective, and clarity during those initial hours following a cancer diagnosis. Constructed with simple controls and concise content, this solution would present an initial video based on the patient diagnosis as uploaded by the Physician. The basic message would be that we know you’re shaken and scared right now, and your mind is probably racing over a million details and questions… but for now, just take a breath. There are three things you should do today, 5 things for this week, and two more next week before your oncologist follow up. Other topics and suggestions would also be video driven… easy to watch and absorb, accessible, and comfortingin the sense that it is interaction with a person rather than a block of text, etc…

Design Concepts

This tool would focus and organize these chaotic first hours, provide an overview of options, and help prioritize what to do next. All content would be woven around a two week timeline, and proper engagement would set the stage for a richer experience as the patient moves into subsequent treatment phases. If appropriate, the content could expand to follow the comfort, information, and organizational framework mentioned previously.

A community site that connects individuals for the purpose of support and comfort.
It would include minimal editorial content, spotlighting specific people in a given area by roles… inspirational caregiver, supportive friend, etc.
The primary focus would be to connect people with people.

Cancer Myths
This microsite would attack myths and suppositions around cancer diagnosis and treatment in a casual and accessible format.
This would be presented as an alternative to dense medical journal-type information, medical jargon, and confusing language and terminology.

Local Care
A map-driven mobile app that would assemble all cancer education and treatment-driven resources within a local community.
Search for treatment centers, pharmacies, physicians, and support groups, presented in a map that can be modified, filtered, and customized.
